Monday, August 20, 2012

Reflections-Looking Back

I found this little thing that I typed back in March. 5 months later and it is still applicable. Life lessons now at age 35. Happy birthday to me.

March 5, 2012 - Reflections from the morning
You know when you get an idea in your head that you WILL be determined and disciplined to accomplish something? Well, I ponder on what stops me from succeeding. Why do I stop the good thing that I started? Is it genetics? Is it complacency? Is it fear of failure? I think its human nature to get distracted, to be tempted by the food that we shouldn’t eat, to say the things we shouldn’t say, to not say the things we should say. 

In conclusion: 
God has given me certain insight and gifts that need to be used accordingly. April: Don’t front and act like you know it all. Remember to be in his presence and you will see more clearly. You will see what he wants for you and your life. Your gifts will be made known to all as you spread joy and love. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Summer lovin

Exciting happenings and yet-to-comes for Summer 2012:

1. So pumped to watch the Olympics!

2. Looking forward to a new tradition during our Labor Day beach weekend: a stay at a bed & breakfast prior to heading to OC MD.

3. Had an awesome time at Dutch Wonderland for the 1st and 2nd times ever in my life. Once in June with my brother & his family and just recently with Diane, Nicole, Matthew, Millie, Morgan, Rachel, Zach & Logan. 

4. Started working for my Grama Marcie as her caretaker/chauffeur to the JCC. What a remarkable elderly matriarch! I have learned so much about her childhood and my grandfather (My Mom's Dad) that unfortunately passed away long before I was born. 

5. Great times keeping nieces & nephews overnight.  Zach & Logan did VBS with me and we had sooooo much fun! Took Morgan & Rachel to Nixon Park to see reptiles and got to swim at Codorus Creek & Codorus pool. 

6. Learned some new recipes to create with our CSA harvest.  Yum...beet salad and maple kale!

7. Hosted our first Memorial Weekend camp out/bike trip on the rail trail with Marc, Diane & the girls. 

8. Tried 2 weeks gluten free. Recently tried 1 week vegan. Very hard but very beneficial.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Oh yeah, I have a blog

I was just looking back at my few posts on this blog and smiled remembering how each and every moment is a true blessing.  I think that this blog is in need of attention.  I vow to either shut it down or become more diligent with actually posting on it.