Saturday, October 10, 2009


We met Gordie last night and after a 15 minute visit we decided to take him home. Real hard sell, right? I'll post pictures tomorrow or Monday.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ban's Visit

Ban cranks the wheel for a penny from Gettysburg

Roburritos art

My Momma with Momma Ban (ha ha!)


Chilling by the chiminea, eating apple crisp and drinking mead

Manhattan Short Film Fest

Ban in Gettysburg

Devil's Den-Gettysburg, PA

Walkin through a corn maze in Lancaster

Ban plays teacher in the Amish schoolhouse

Mmm...shoofly pie

Haines Shoe House-Hellam/Hallam, PA

You made it here Ban! We were so happy to see you and share our home. Come back soon!

Updates in Seven Valleys

We are experiencing different forms of busyness at the Ferree house lately these days. We first had a visit (long overdue) from our dear friend Ban. He came to us for 5 days from L.A. and we haven't stopped entertaining since he left a week ago. Our former co-worker/friend Sean and his girlfriend Erica stopped here Monday night on their way home to NY. We worked with Seanie this summer in the Tetons and it was so cool to see him again, even if for a short night and morning. Wednesday evening brought another friend from the Tetons, Lauren. She left yesterday to head to NY as well. It has been so nice to keep up with the great people we met over the summer. I hope it lasts for-ever.

Other items to note:
I am taking 12 credits at HACC again this Fall in pursuits of my Environmental Specialist degree. I hope to now be complete with the courses this coming summer.
Eric is back to the grind that is pizza making and delivery. He is active with the bowling league again as well.
We both started our 2nd season as Freeballers on the York Kickball League earlier this month. I'm sad to report that our season is not going so well, our record is (I think) 2-6 or something. A link to the fun times at kickball (in the form of photos) and our standings can be found at the following link:

In addition to sports, school, work, and entertaining house guests, we are currently working on the selection process for adopting a dog. We have our first compatibility meeting with a cairn terrier named Gordie tonight. I will post pics soon if he turns out to be the dog of our dreams.

I have been enjoying the gifts of Fall thus far and look forward to upcoming events:
pumpkin and apple picking, applesauce and apple dumpling making, camping trips, harvesting our butternut squash, Thanksgiving, and whatever else comes our way!

I pray that everyone reading this near or far will have a smile on their face knowing that these two Ferrees are so blessed to have good health, love, beauty all around us, and of course have you in our lives. We may not always see each other or keep in touch often, but you are in our minds and hearts.
