Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Drum roll please

I did it: I finally graduated.
I even got an un-wrinkled diploma in the mail. I was hoping that it wouldn't be wrinkled. Good ol' HACC sent a copy of the commencement bulletin, of which I did not attend. I was proud to see my name and 2 little "High honors" stars next to it. High honors?!? It's not like I'm in the military or anything! I think if I had squeaked a B in O-chem I would've been done better. C'est la vie, right? I shed a little tear at the sight of the paper, a diploma of all things. I have been in school for the last 3 years, and now what?
No major job offers are pouring in. I feel like I've updated my resume a hundred times and sent it out about a million. I am hoping that a company takes a chance on me, although I only have an Associates degree.
So, if anyone has any sage advice: Keep it to yourself. Ha Ha! No, seriously I am optimistic of a great future. I know that regardless of my choices, I have Eric as my biggest supporter. He continually encourages me to follow whatever it is that makes me happy.
And that folks, makes me happy.
Thanks for the positive words, hugs, tissues to cry in, and whatever else any of you have contributed to my continuing education.
Here's to the next 3 years!


  1. Congrats! I was sad to find this out via your Blog, this is the kind of news we should have celebrated with a toast on Sat. When we get together we will do it up proper! So what is good for you and Eric? Love ya and miss ya!
