Friday, July 10, 2009

Updates schmupdates

Some notable events that have occurred since our arrival in May:

  1. We have been Contra dancing.
  2. We have hiked to a place called Inspiration Point.
  3. We have attended a chuckwagon supper with live entertainment, and were graciously received as vegetarians.
  4. I have seen too many moose to count.
  5. Had bison in our yard and by our car.
  6. I have floated the Snake River twice and got paid to do so.
  7. Have seen Penn State fans in random places here. Go State!
  8. We are intrigued by the low low milk and egg prices here. Get ready to be jealous... less than $2 for a GALLON and 99 cents for eggs. Whoa.
  9. I ate (and survived) blueberries and huckleberries in my pancakes. I'm ready to tackle a gooseberry.
  10. We joined a rock climbing gym. I totally kicked the Sponge Bob and Square Pants walls' butts!
  11. Did you know that there are trumpeter swans and lots of ducks here?
  12. We've visited Salmon, ID two times already this summer. It feels like a HUGE vacation from Jackson Hole's higher elevation.
  13. My cookies taste better here. Don't know if higher altitude helps??

That's it for now. Peace.


  1. Questions...
    What do you mean "Contra" dancing? It reminds me of the game I played on Nintendo as a kid.

    What do you mean "survived" blueberries? Don't you dare say that you don't like blueberries!

    I really enjoyed rock climbing in a gym. You should try traversing across the walls.

    - Robert

  2. What is a goose berry? Please post a bison pic if you can. Miss you!
    Love your cuz.

  3. April! Looks like you guys are having an awesome time! When do you come back to the Valley?

  4. Re: Your cookies.

    Does that mean you will bake a big batch to bring home to PA?

    Anonymous in Mount Joy whose name is not Diane, Morgan, or Rachel

  5. HI you two: looks like you are having an awesome time... luv the pics and the falls are beautiful... anying bass or trout fishin? How long you going to be there? take care and lookin forward to more pics


  6. We didn't fish at all, but we ate a good bit of Lake trout and Steelhead while we were out there. The blueberry issues stem from my psychosomatic nature being scared of all berries (I am allergic to a different family of berries) it had been over 14 years since I ate a blueberry. Now I'm hooked and can't get enough! As for the cookies (Marc), you are now stuck with my flat pineapple ones. Sorry!
